• Your new spot in Lander, WY for year-round locally grown food. Now open!

  • Producers, we're ready to help get your products to more folks in our shared community. Please stop by!

  • A shared kitchen offering pop-up dinners and cooking classes from local food entrepreneurs.

A taste of local.


Meadowlark Market helps ranchers focus on ranching and farmers focus on farming by providing a consistent, year-round outlet to sell local food. 

We support food artisans of all kinds—bakers, fermenters, beekeepers, you name it!


The (shared) Kitchen is an incubator of culinary talent and a space to help support local food entrepreneurs. 

You can expect pop-up dinners from local chefs and periodic cooking classes.

We are a proud pick-up location for Eat Wyoming orders!

Our mission is to build an abundant, resilient, & valued local food system that supports:

our landscape

We are all caretakers of our landscape. By supporting local growers, we are ensuring an agricultural future that works with our uniquely beautiful landscape.

our farmers, ranchers,
& food artisans

Our food comes from our farmers, ranchers, and food artisans. You will always know where your food comes from and have the opportunity to shake hands with the person who grows, raises, or makes your food.

our community

We will nourish our community by providing delicious, nutrient dense foods in our market and in our kitchen.

Meadowlark Market & Kitchen is a project of Slow Food Wind River.

Consider donating to keep our programs flourishing and able to nourish our community.


It takes time, heart, and sweat to perfect crops, raise livestock, and make food.

Our vision is to repair our relationship with the food system. We want our community to know how our food is grown (and how to eat it), shake hands with the people who produce it—and be able to afford to eat it.

Meadowlark is a space for community.

We believe that food is good, that food from close to home is better, and food grown with care for our land, prepared with love, and enjoyed with friends and family is best of all.